Learning Objective 5 and 6


I feel like I have improved in using MLA format to cite sources in my essays due to teacher feedback and strict policies on correct MLA format. In this chosen writing piece I directly quote two sources in the text. I make sure to introduce the author of the piece I am quoting as well as the context of the passage that I am quoting. After both of the quotes I made sure to go into detail about exactly which part of the quote is important to my argument and why it is important. The common edits that I make to in text citations are usually my transitions into my quote as well as the connections made between the quote and my argument. In my chosen writing piece I also cited 6 different sources including YouTube videos, blog entries, and one of my peers narrative projects. To make a correct work cited page i referenced “the Little Seagull Handbook” which is a required text for English 110 which has a dedicated section for MLA work cited pages.
