Learning Outcome 1


My revision process has changed drastically since the first day of this course. The changes in my revision strategy actually start with my free draft where I have developed a way to organize my ideas for easier revision without hampering my creative process in my free draft. What I do as you can see in my free draft is divide my body paragraph into 3 big paragraphs, one for each of the 3 “main ideas” that I usually divide my thesis into. From there I can micro manage my sub points in each of my big paragraph and organize and split up my big paragraphs effectively. Another thing that this specific essay example illustrates is how I overcame one of my significant writing weaknesses which is my tendency to overwrite and explain. You can see from the difference between my first and last draft that my word count actually went down (not including work cited) even though I added a few things. This was accomplished by careful re reading to decide what sentences or words could be cut while retaining the important information that I needed to relay my message to the reader. Another big thing that I am not very good at that I have learned to fix through revision is sentence length. I tend to struggle to keep my sentences acceptably short and I struggle to separate the my ideas into grammatically correct sentences so that is something that I always look for when I revise. If you compare my first and second drafts of my selected paper you can see a clear difference in the sentence length. Any sentences that I deemed to be problematically large I correctly split up into smaller sentences.
